How to Apply

How to Apply

The next Villars Music Academy is taking place from the 11 - 18 of August 2024. Applications are now closed.

Application Guidelines

Application deadline: 31 of March 2024

Selection Criteria: Over 18. y.o without a fixed job

Document Submission Requirements: Provide 4 video recordings based on the instructions below (All videos must be recordings from within the last 3 months)

For Violin:

1: Provide a video recording introducing yourself and explaining your motivations for joining the Villars Music Academy

2: Exposition of the 1st movement of a Mozart concerto (only exposition, no cadenza required)

3: Exposition of the 1st movement of a romantic concerto (only exposition, no cadenza required)

4: A virtuoso piece with or without piano, maximum 12 minutes (no sonatas, no concertos) Examples: Wieniawsky: Polonaises, Sarasate, Ravel: Tzigane, Weil: Songs, Bazzini: Ronde des Lutins, Ysaye: Ballade, etc…

For Viola:

1: Provide a video recording introducing yourself and explaining your motivations for joining the Villars Music Academy

2: Exposition of the 1st movement of the Hoffmeister oder the Stamitz concerto (only exposition, no cadenza required)

3: Exposition of the first 3 Minutes of a romantic concerto (only exposition, no cadenza required)

4: A virtuoso piece with or without piano, maximum 12 minutes (no sonatas, no concertos) Examples: Paganini: Sonate per la Grande Viola, Vieuxtemps: Elegie, Hermann: Konzertstudien, Wieniawski: Caprices, Paganini, Bach/Kodaly: Chromatische Fantasie, Pochon: Passacaglia, Vieuxtemps: Capriccio, etc...

For Cello:

1: Provide a video recording introducing yourself and explaining your motivations for joining the Villars Music Academy

2: Exposition of the 1st movement of Haydn concerto in D Major (only exposition, no cadenza)

3: Exposition of the 2nd movement of a concerto of your choice (only exposition, no cadenza required)

4: A virtuoso piece with or without piano, maximum 12 minutes (no other sonatas, no concerto) Examples: Dvorak: Rondo, Tchaikovsky: Pezzo Capriccioso, Popper, Davidoff, etc…

Balik Farm Prize Selection: Our jury will select 6 candidates (2 violinists, 2 violists, and 2 cellists) from the select laureates for The Finale of the Balik Farm Prize, presented as a public concert on the 16th of August at the Villars Palace Theater. The 4th video submitted will be used for the selction of The Finale of the Balik Farm Prize and the same piece must be played at the concert, with the selection scheduled to take place on April 15, 2024. A pianist will be available for the concert, along with maximum 1 hours rehearsal.

Fees: Confirmation fee: CHF 90 (Confirmation fee to be payed by april 24th if you are selected to confirm your participation)

Please note that the fees are not refundable. Applications will only be processed if the application criteria is complete and correct.

YouTube Link: Please include the link to your video content on YouTube in the designated section of the application form.

Document Upload: Ensure that all supporting documents are compressed into PDF format before uploading them to the application form.

Participation Guidelines

Advance Repertoire Notice: Announce the repertoire to be presented at the masterclasses at least 4 weeks in advance (no sonatas). The maximum length of the virtuoso piece should be respected. No changes will be accepted.

Requirements: Bring a music stand for use during the masterclasses. Provide all scores for the pieces presented at the masterclasses, including piano scores.

Arrival time and date at the start of the VMA are essential, non-negotiable, and failure to comply will result in disqualification.